Labels:animal | bird | dirt | eagle | earth | goshawk | plant | poster | sky | tree OCR: FAMILY LIFE Wedge- tailed Eagle Aquila audax BrownMREO Raptor nests are rarely harmed R4 other animals The larger the raptor species, the less likely its nest fall victim to predator. Raptors will usually choose nesting sites that are hard to reach or that are not easily found The more time an adult able spend at the nest, the less likely it is to be vulnerable to preda ators. The effects of humans and our activities on the ability of raptors to breed and maintain their populations is discussed in det.ail in the chapter, "Human Impact. The nest of large powerful raptor, such as the Wedge- tailed Eagle is not likely to be disturbed well- attended by parent birds contents ontions 4rnb bookmark last menu Eaale Aauila predators power Wedae options quit